美国总统第一场辩论中,共和党总统候选人Mitt Romney因一句:“I Love Big Bird”,顿时让Big Bird成为了总统候选人后,最受瞩目的“大红鸟”。这也被民主党候选人兼现任总统Barack Obama批评Romney‘只顾Sesame Street(芝麻街),不顾Wall Steert(华尔街)’。
他就是曾主演《The Dark Knight Rises》、《Premium Rush》、《Looper》的演员。
听来听去,还是觉得Sesame Street版本最感动、也最动听。
不妨找一找Sesame Street歌曲,
Well I'd like to visit the moon, on a rocket ship high in the air. Yes, I'd like to visit the moon, but I don't think I'd like to live there.
Though, I'd like like to look down from the earth from above, I would miss all the places and people I love so although I might like for one afternoon I don't wanna live on the moon.
I'd like to travel under sea, I could meet all the fish everywhere Yes, I'd travel under the sea, But I don't think I'd like to live there. I might stay for a day there if I had my wish but there's not much to do when your friends are all fish, and an oyster and clam aren't real family, I don't wanna live in the sea.
I'd like to visit the jungle, hear the lions roar, go back in time and meet a dinosaur, there's so many strange places I'd like to be, but none of them permanently.
So if I should visit the moon, I would dance on a moonbeam and then, I will make a wish on a star and I'll wish I was home onceagain.
Though, I'd like like to look down from the earth from above, I would miss all the places and people I love So although I may go, I'll be coming home soon Cause I don't want to live on the moon No I don't want to live on the moon.
日前,英超的一场由Arsenal对垒Queen Park Rangers的比赛中,Arsenal队长因为撞倒对方球员而犯规,但这时候,对方球员却心有不甘,再伸出脚去踹踢Arsenal队长,也因为对方者不理智与愚蠢的动作,使到对方遭到裁判红牌罚下,也导致Queens Park Rangers最终也输球了。